How beautiful is it to ski down white slopes, feeling all the turns in your legs and the thrill of speed under your skin?

It's about discovering hands and footholds on the rock by yourself, hanging out on a rope suspended in the void, losing yourself in a grey vertical sea, reaching peaks that would otherwise be unreachable, and challenging gravity with spectacular movements.

Climbing mountains in the most sublime and closer to nature way, on different terrains and different altitudes. Experiencing a big summit in the Alps is going to stick in your mind as it involves conquering peaks surrounded by glaciers and rock ridges and spending nights high up in a mountain hut with early morning wake-up calls for exploring.

Throughout the year waterfalls run fast and noisy, but for a few months during winter they turn into majestic ice cathedrals that are surrounded by the silence of unique locations. And that’s when we can approach and climb them.

We all love traveling. Seeing new places and landscapes, discovering different habits, listening and reading incomprehensible languages, meeting other people in their environment, and creating bonds that only traveling allows to create. We also love climbing and skiing. What is more exciting than combining these passions?